10:47 AM

Friday Free for All...

Just a few things for your viewing pleasure. The bottom two tags, I have no idea who made them, I found them on a search for pics. If it was you, let me know and thanks!

(made this myself!)

10:33 AM

Time for Twos...

Here are a few shots of my favorite two-some...

Have a Nice Day!!

8:07 AM

Monday, Monday...

Let's chase away the Monday morning blues. Maybe these will turn your Monday morning, have to be at work frown upside down...

Have a Nice Day!

8:26 AM

Wayback Wednesday...

So, the DeLorean stopped somwhere in the mid-90s this morning. Going by Jon's hair, I'd say pretty near These Days, give or take ...

1:33 PM

Two-fer Tuesday...

Tuesday's are two for one days here in the playroom. Enjoy a double dose of our fave guys!

11:12 AM

Friday Free for All...

Ahh, it's Friday. You never know what you might find in the free for all. Today, there's a tag and some pics of the guys. I'll try to do something different each Friday, mix it up some, but don't yell at me if I lean heavier on the picture side than the tag side. It's my page after all so I guess it's my choice. ;)

Have a great weekend!

11:27 AM

Wayback Wednesday!

Today we are stepping into the DeLorean and traveling back to the fabulous, long-haired goodness of the 1980's. Come on, who didn't love the 80's?


10:54 AM

Two Fer Tuesday...

It's Tuesday and you know what that means, yup, 2 for 1 today. Two shots of the guys for the price of one. Hope you can handle it!

(I took this one myself at the Glendale, AZ show!)


11:43 AM

New Year, time for New Pics!

It's been a while since I posted here, sorry about that! Here are a few pics to get us going this year...